Skip the pressure of watching on demand, and get lifetime access to the classes that will inspire, educate and support you in raising your complex child.
Everything you get:
Lifetime access to in-depth interviews with top parenting experts
Recorded Q & A
sessions with summit participants
A Parenting Vault
of resources from
our experts

A sneak peek inside:
The Hyper Healing Cheat Sheet: An Empowered Parent's Concise Guide for a Raising Healthy ​Child With ADHD Symptoms by Avigail Gimpel
Social Skills and Connection Class Bundle by Miriam Campbell, MSW
Time Management for Jewish Women by Kayla Levin
Five Therapeutic Writing Exercises designed for parents of complex kids by Yocheved Rottenberg
and more!
Your kid is a sweet, sensitive, beautiful neshama and you want to see more of that.
This FREE summit is here to show you how.
Keep it all forever for just $147.
One pass can be shared by parents, grandparents and teachers of your complex child.
By Moms of Complex Kids, For Mom's of Complex Kids
This is information I wish I’d known years ago.
And these moms agree:
I always come away with renewed hope, practical skills, and a sense that this journey has been successfully traversed before!
-Suri, Mother of 6
I love that I get an all-you-can-listen buffet to speakers I’d pay hundreds to consult with!
-Nechami, Mother of 8
Ilyssa has a knack of teasing out the most practical and relevant insights from each speaker.
-Chaya, Mother of 5
So many great professionals all in one place! Some of the videos I want to listen to again. I need time to think about them...
-​Riki, Mom of 3
The All Access Pass is a no-brainer. There is so much great content here. Thanks for putting all of this together!
-Michal, Mom of 7
hese interviews really gave me a new perspective on my son. I thought he was being difficult; I have so much more compassion for him now.
-Yochi, Mom of 2
It’s easy to stay focused, hopeful and inspired today.
But what about tomorrow?
When the dust settles, when the meltdown is over, when the house is quiet—turn to a treasure trove of support to help move forwards in the right direction.
The All Access Pass + Parenting Vault is designed to support women just like you. Busy mommies who have spent a lot of time (and probably a lot of money) to help thier complex child thrive. This is a world of on-target information at your fingertips.
Every class and resource is packed to give you solid and practical information to parent your complex child. (No fluff or loooong reads here.) My goal is that you leave informed and empowered to make the best choices for your family.
Parenting guidance, always in your back pocket.
One pass can be shared by parents, grandparents and teachers of your complex child.
Remind me, what’s included again?
Everything you get:
*New Bonuses: Downloadable Audio Files of All the Interviews PLUS One Year of Phone Access!
Lifetime access to in-depth interviews
Recorded Q & A sessions with participants
A Parenting Vault of resources from our experts
A sneak peek inside:

Host: Ilyssa Bass, PhD
Parenting Complex Kids Summit: Lifetime Access to 30 conversations with amazing professionals
Lifetime Access for parents, grandparents and professionals of your complex child.

Miriam Campbell, M.A., SLP-CCC, MSW
Fundamental Skills for Connection
Classes to support your child's social skill development. Topics include: ADHD, Self Awareness, Emotional Regulation, Relationship Skills, and more!

Yocheved Rottenberg, Author of Write Your Way Home
Therapeutic Writing Exercises for Parents of Complex Kids
Five therapeutic writing exercises that can help you work through struggles with your children in productive and powerful ways!
PLUS a super powerful two hour masterclass guiding you to discover your incredible greatness.

Chayelle Rose, Parenting Coach
You Don't Need Fixing E-book
This e-book is designed to help you accept and love every bit about yourself, your family, and your circumstances. And don't worry!!! You still get to yell

Avigail Gimpel, M.S.
The HyperHealing Cheat Sheets
This book is the abridged version of the full parent coaching book. A parent can identify the root causes of their child's ADHD symptoms and begin formulating an intervention plan using this resource.

Kayla Levin, Marriage Coach
Time Management for Jewish Women
In my time management course I give you three easy to implement strategies to get more done with less stress, plus a deep dive into how to overcome timewasters, like procrastination and scrolling.

Miriam Gitlin, Therapist & Relationship Coach
Drama-Free Relationships
Learn how to break out of the cycle of hurt, conflict, and frustration, so you can have healthy relationships that feel good and fulfilling. This mini-course comes with tools to support you along the way, as you step out of the old patterns and create a new, healthy reality for yourself and those around you.
Tziporah Wayne, M.Ed, Parent Coach
50 Personal Prayers for Your Family
Happy Heart Families! Grow and share your Happy Heart with 50 Personal
Prayers for your Family.
Hashkafa, Chizzuk and Hope
This child is Just. So. Hard. Hard to figure out, hard to connect to, hard to discipline!
We’re dedicating day one of this summit to putting Hashem in the picture. This is hard AND there are mindsets we can internalize that make a HUGE difference.
Neurodiversity and Diagnoses
Every human on planet earth has a differently wired brain.
Some wiring makes it easier to navigate this world; some makes it harder. Day two pulls back the curtain on different brain types and the often unidentified struggles that come with them.
Personal Experiences and Family Dynamics
Sometimes it can be hard to have compassion for your child, when their behavior is just so intense. Today is a day dedicated to hearing real life accounts from differently wired adults.
OK, So Now What?
Interventions That Work
“Just tell me what to DO and I’ll do it!” Sound familiar?
Today we dive into tailored interventions that actually work for complex kids growing up in the Jewish world.
Doable Parenting Tools and Techniques
"Can we talk super-practical day in and day out parenting?"
Yes! Today is a day where super-dedicated, real moms and parent coaches share the real tools that work in their real (and complex) homes.
(Available through Friday and Motzei Shabbos)
I know what it’s like to stumble through the dark… and I want this to be the resource you can always turn to.
Creator of this summit, and deeply passionate about helping parents connect to their most complex children.
After training as a clinical psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and studying developmental psychology at Stanford University I thought I was super-prepared to be a mommy. But really, my kids taught me more than academia ever could have.
My personal journey has given me deep compassion for parents raising difficult kids. I know what it feels like to raise a child that popular parenting books are just not written for.
That’s why I’ve interviewed 29 of the Jewish world's top parenting voices, to bring you the support, tools and information to help you navigate life with a complex child.

I am so excited for you to gain new insights and tools from this summit.

Your purchase of the all access pass helps to support this project so we can, BzH, create another high-quality summit next year!
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, email us within 14 days and we will refund your purchase, no questions asked.