Day 2
The Psychology of Parenting:
Why We Lose It and What We Can Do About It
Today's lineup:

Einat Bronstein
Internal Family Systems (IFS) Perspectives on Parenting
This conversation starts with the acknowledgment that parents are deeply human and in a process of self-development; parents are dealing with the complexities of life (marriage, career, home management…) and becoming who they are alongside their children. Einat Bronstein discusses how parts of ourselves interact with parts of our children and how we can use our parenting experiences to grow into someone who acts, each day, more from the core of our authentic self as we help our children to do the same.

Dani Kahn, PhD
EMDR's (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Approach to Healing our Childhood Wounds
Dani Kahn, PhD is a world-renowned expert on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), a trauma-informed psychotherapy. Dr. Kahn walks us through the neuroscience behind why we lose it with our kids and what we can do about it. He talks about how memories/ past experience can get “stuck” and the process that EMDR uses to help us respond to present moment situations without re-activating old patterns. This is a packed conversation not only about EMDR, but about how we can re-wire our brains and heal from trauma. He also addresses when EMDR might be a helpful treatment for children.

Ricki Bernstein, LCSW
Somatic Interventions: Using Your Senses to Calm Your Systems
Rikki Bernstein, MSW trains therapists internationally to use the senses and body awareness to bring clients back to a place of calm. In this interview she gives practical tools, things you can do in-the-moment when you are overwhelmed to help your nervous system register that you are “safe enough” so that you can stay regulated (even as your child loses it!). She also addresses the importance of repair with our children after we have become dysregulated and touches on the neuroscience behind dysregulation and repair.

Chaya Leiba Kobernick, PsyD
Managing Big Emotions in the Face of Extreme Stress
In this interview Chaya Leiba Kobernick describes Dialectical Behavioral Therapy’s approach to helping parents regulate their emotions better and parent more effectively. She addresses how DBT, through its behavioral change model, effects long term and lasting change in the parent-child interaction, the function of skill building and the role of creating a “change ready environment” for yourself and your child. She wraps up by discussing the difference between shame and guilt and what it means to have and use “healthy guilt.”

Avigail Gimpel, M.S
An Attachment Perspective: How our Childhood Impacts Our Parenting Today
In this interview, Avigail Gimpel focuses on the three main types of attachment: anxious, avoidant and disorganized and explains how each attachment style may affect how we parent today. She emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, reflection, coaching, education and parent support in healing so that we can be present and responsive parents to our children. She also touches on enmeshment, how our relationship with our children can get wrapped up in our own childhood stories and what we can do about it.

Blimi Heller
Live Workshop
Join us today LIVE 1:30-2:30pm EST/ 8:30-9:30pm IST
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What is the root of all behavior
What are needs (as opposed to wants or strategies)
How does it help to know what my child’s needs are?
How can I know what my child’s needs are?