Today's lineup:

Menachem Bernfeld, M.S. Ed, CLC
Finding the Right Coach for You
In this interview, “Coach Menachem” Bernfeld emphasizes giving oneself permission to need help. Without that permission, it is difficult, maybe even impossible, to find the right support. R. Bernfeld talks about the process of finding the right coach for you. It can be a difficult and confusing process. He gives tips on how to find a good coach, how long to meet before deciding if it’s the right match, the importance of sticking with the journey, the role of intuition and the idea of open communication with your coach.
Liba Lurie
I am SO Frustrated with this Child! Now What?
Liba Lurie walks us through the journey from “I hate this child” to “I feel good in this relationship, even joy.” This interview provides a lot of validation for parents feeling anger towards their children, an understanding of how and why this happens and some practical tools you can use to make your relationship better with your child today.

Yael Weisner
Reducing Stress by Creating Smart Systems
Yael Weisner helps women combat overwhelm through organization and design. In her words “there are so many unknowns in life; let’s create systems for the stressors we do know about…the kids need dinner every night, the laundry isn’t going away and everyone needs space to live.” In this interview Yael challenges parents with or without ADHD to create systems in their homes, adequate space for their children’s treasures and the habit of decluttering. She gives specific tips and tricks that she finds most helpful when individuals in the home (mom included) struggle with organization.

Mushka Gopin, M.Ed
When Motherhood Feels Too Hard (and how to make it easier)
“I want to be more patient with my children.” Every mother says it; in this interview, Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker walks us through a Mussar perspective on what it means to really work on
patience. She addresses using anger as an inner teacher, separating our triggers/baggage from the situation, meeting our own needs, understanding our reactions and keeping Hashem in the picture.

Hadassah Eventsur
Getting Support for Yourself: Support for Neurodivergent Women
During Covid there was an explosion of women questioning whether or not they have ADHD. Occupational Therapist, Hadassah Evenstur took a deep dive into understanding ADHD in adult women. What she found inspired her to begin coaching neurodivergent women. She has identified many best practices for frum women with ADHD in the areas of executive function, self-compassion, home management, self-talk and support. In this interview she shares some of the most powerful tools she uses in her online community.
Leah Richeimer
"My Spouse Just Doesn't Get It!" What to do When You Hit a Co-Parenting Roadblock
Complex kids can put a major strain on our marriages AND, often, they are like shalom bais barometers; they feel the tension in the air when we are not co-parenting well. So what can we do? Leah Richheimer challenges women to self-reflect on their view of their husband’s chinuch choices. If we look down on our spouse’s ability to parent, rather than see the positive intent behind their actions and get curious, we will feel resentful and distant. She gives some important communication ideas to help couples talk about chinuch without getting into a power struggle and emphasizes the power of shalom bais to positively influence our child’s behavior.