Day 5
Doable Parenting Tools and Techniques

Today's lineup:

Yocheved Rottenberg
Therapeutic Writing: Managing Parent Burnout
Yocheved Rottenberg is a therapeutic writing coach who works with parents of complex kids. In this interview, she walks us through specific exercises that she recommends to parents who are struggling with burnout; tools to find themselves again and get clarity about what the next step is. She talks about her own journey from self-criticism to self-compassion and offers parents
tools to create that shift in themselves.
Chayelle Rose
​Parenting Complex Kids: Breaking All the Rules
Parent Coach Chayalle Rose helps parents become more present in their parenting experience by “breaking all the rules:” the book rules, chinuch class rules, society rules, etc. She talks about the importance of our inner feedback as mothers and the need to give up the pressure to “work it all out” and “get it all right” to make space for not knowing. When we face our fears of not
being perfect, we can creat the space to not know and in that space there is room for our Hashem, our intuition, and our joy.

Tziporah Wayne
Break through Negativity with the Nurtured Heart Approach
Tziporah Wayne is a teacher, former guidance counselor and Parent Coach. In this interview she addresses breaking out of cycles of negativity using the 3 main tenets of the Nurtured Heart
Approach: Absolutely No, Absolutely Yes and Absolutely Clear. She authentically shares her journey to compassionate connection to herself, keeping Hashem in her parenting experience and asking for help as powerful tools in her journey.

Miriam Gitlin
What to Do When Your Child Triggers You
Miriam Gitlin is a Parent Coach and Therapist who loves helping parents with tough kids. In this conversation, she dives into what a trigger is, three practical things you can do physically, in the
moment, to bring your nervous system back to a regulated state. Then she walks us through what we can do with our minds and hearts to lower the intensity of triggers both in and out of the difficult moment.

Sara Sheindel Goldwasser
Supporting Your Child's Strengths
Sara Shaindel Goldwasser is an advanced trainer of the nurtured heart approach and shares her
journey from trying to “fix” her children’s behavior to trying to awaken their inherent greatness. In this conversation she gives practical exercises to help even burned-out mothers begin this shift for themselves. She offers inspiration and hope to those who may feel stuck in a cycle of negativity with an intense child.

Ilyssa Bass, PhD
Meltdowns: Response and Prevention
In this talk, Dr. Bass covers: what a meltdown is, what to do during the 5 distinct phases of a meltdown and how to begin the process of identifying your child's "green zone" so you can more effectively prevent meltdowns. If your home has kid meltdowns or parent meltdowns, this class is for you!