Free Meltdown
Live: April 24th
(1:30 PM EDT, 8:30PM Israel)
What you will learn:
What to do and say during the 5 unique stages of a meltdown
How to stay calm while your child is loosing it
How to help siblings of complex kids so everyone in the family feels safe and seen
Live: April 24th
(1:30 PM EDT, 8:30PM Israel)
Who is this for?
This is for Frum Jewish women who are parents, grandparents or professionals of a child who:
has long intense and/or frequent melt-downs
has difficulty with impulse control
struggles with self-regulation
is in frequent conflict with siblings

About Ilyssa Bass, PhD
Hi, I'm Ilyssa Bass PhD, psychologist, parent educater and mommy of 5 awesome kids
What qualifies me to run a masterclass on kids' meltdowns?
I'll give you one hint: It was'nt my years in achedimia.
I have lived through loooong, intense and frequent meltdowns that drained me to the core.
I was trained to diagnose and treat. I wanted a diagnosis, to find out what was wrong with my child and FIX IT. This mindset kept me stuck and helpless.
The gamechanger for me was finding other mommies like me, online communities of women who were raising kids with what I call Hidden Differences.
The support I found taught me how to uncover the roots of my child's stress, Support his strengths and create plans that transformed the difficult behavour so I could ENJOY my family.
Today my passion is sharing those techniques, creating that community for Jewish mommies of complex kids so none of us have to walk this journey alone.
Can't wait to meet you
Live April 24th
(1:30PM EDT, 8:30PM Israel)
What Participants Say:
Live April 24th
(1:30PM EDT, 8:30PM Israel)
Is this for children with diagnoses (ADHD, ASD-HF, SPD, ODD, Anxiety, etc)?
Is this for children without diagnoses?
Will my participation be confidential?
Yes! We realize privacy is very important for our students. This masterclass will be a zoom format where participants can see the speaker only.
What age child is this for?