Today's lineup:
Rabbi Shais Taub
Supporting Your Complex Child in Their Struggles and Their Strengths
In this talk we cover what it means that some neshamos “struggle more with embodiment” and what is helpful for those sensitive souls. We talk about the importance of accommodation, how
to help your child learn to exist in the “real world” and how to support children in moments of struggle. We then address the importance of supporting your sensitive child in his or her
strengths and what that might look like if their strengths are not obvious.
Blimie Heller
​Structure that Works for the Whole
​Blimie Heller walks us through her approach to creating structure for the whole family. She emphasizes the importance of systems that work for parents first, allowing yourself to be who you are- with your strengths and your struggles, and having realistic expectations. She also provides some practical tips for how to introduce new routines and structures for children who struggle in this area.
Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker
"The School Just Doesn't Understand!": Keeping Hashem in the Picture
Rebbetzin Schoonmaker directly addresses the spiritual avoda when communication with your child’s school is not going well. Through Torah sources and examples she walks us through
some powerful hashkafa to help parents keep their cool, communicate effectively and use the experience as a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth.
Rabbi Dov Brezak
Priorities for the New School Year
Through a series of stories and examples, R. Brezak introduces clear priorities for this school year. He emphasizes the importance of parents’ hashkafa and relationship to their children. He gives practical tools to reduce power struggles and addresses how to deal with sibling conflict in a way that both siblings feel supported and seen.
Sara Chana Radcliff
Parent Burnout: What now?
In this interview, Sara Chana Radcliffe addresses parent burnout. Parents of complex kids have more stress in their lives and are more susceptible to burning out. The interview takes us
through the brain chemistry of burnout, what is happening in our psyche and, most importantly what we can do to actively recover from and prevent burnout.