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Chanukah Bundle

Meltdown Masterclass, Connection with Complex Kids and the Top # Most-Viewed Summit Interviews, all in one place!

Meltdowns this Chanukah?

We've got you covered.

If you need some help getting through the rough stuff, re-establishing connection and finding hope, joy and meaning in parenting your complex child, this is a present for YOU!

This Course is for You if You:
✓ Want to know exactly what to do during each stage of your child's meltdown.
✓ Struggle to connect to your complex child.
✓ Are looking to deeply understand your child's highly sensitive neshama.
✓ Want to tap more powerfully into your maternal intuition.
✓ Feel overwhelmed by sibling conflict between your complex kids.

    This bundle includes :
    (1) the meltdown masterclass,
    (2) Connection course Webinar and
    (3)The top 3 Most-Viewed Summit Interviews:
    R. Shais Taub on Understanding Highly Sensitive Neshamos,
    Dina Friedman on Tapping Into Maternal Intuition and
    Blimi Heller on Effectively Managing Sibling Conflict
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If you are a Jewish momma raising complex kids in a complex world, this bundle is for you!

    The meltdown masterclass has never before been available for purchase outside of the Parenting Complex Kids All Access Pass. Grab it now! This opportunity goes away when Chanukah ends!
If you are a deep, meaning-seeking mom, this bundle is for you!
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Feel supported this Chanukah!

    Parenting complex kids is hard and...awesome.

    Find the joy, chizzuk and hope you need to get through the winter:)

This offer ends with Chanukah!

Find mastery, connection and chizzuk all in one place, just for you.

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