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It’s that time of year again. 
School’s in. Your patience is out.

Get the hashkafa, tools and practical techniques to set your complex child up for success this school year.  Join 15 of the Jewish world’s most experienced professionals in a Back to School Summit.

Airing from September 9-11.

Some kids are organizing their backpacks.
Complex kids are facing a whole different set of challenges.


This summit is for you if you’re up at night wondering:

  • Will she click with the new teacher?

  • How do I help him with self-esteem?

  • Are they a target for bullying?

  • Will she hold it together in school?

  • Will he manage socially this year?

  • How can we avoid meltdowns on tight morning schedules?

  • Is there anything I can do to set us up for homework success?

  • How can I help my child stay organized this year?

  • Sometimes we start the year strong, and then it’s all downhill - will this year be different?

  • How will my child's ADHD, ASD, SPD anxiety, [insert alphabet soup diagnosis here] impact this school year?

Our sensitive kids spend a lot of time in school - this free summit is here to help us support them as best we can!


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It’s been a long summer and… you’re exhausted.

That...child. The one that doesn’t respond to behavioral approaches like other kids. That doesn't sail through school like other kids. That doesn't transition home after school like other kids. And most traditional parenting books, just get you into a power-struggle.


That’s because this complex kid is different. And growing up as a differently wired, sensitive kid is stressful, so, they’ll bring that stress home to their safe space. Sorry Mom, but, that’s normally you.


But it all goes wrong when…


Parents get stuck in power struggles with kids with brain-based differences because they simply don’t realize, this child needs a really DIFFERENT approach. They’ll (correctly) try the classic rewards + consequences + consistency = behavior change method.


And it just. won’t. work. for these kids. Instead, these approaches spark intense frustration and despair for an on-her-last-nerve mommy. 

So, what does work?

  • Support. 

  • People who get it. 

  • Techniques that are tested. 

  • A new language that matches your differently-wired child. 

  • A community that can help you understand your child, be on their team, and teach the skills they need to navigate school, friends and family life.


And that’s exactly what I’ve compiled for parents of complex kids.

We’re gathering some of the most experienced professionals in the Jewish world to give you Back to School confidence. These people really get it and they’ll share the unique perspective, hope and practical parenting tools that can create real change for your child. And it’s all happening this Sept 9th through 11th.


I want you to start the year with hope. Real hope.


This summit was created to empower you and to support your child's strengths and struggles this school year.


Starting the School Year Hashkafa

It can be hard to keep the big picture in mind when there are real deficits you want to
help your child with this year. This day is designed to help you zoom out and make
intentional priorities for you and your complex child.


Bullying, social skills and school trauma

We all want school to be a safe place for our children. This day is dedicated to give our
children the tools to stay safe, make good choices and reach out for adult help when
problems are too big to handle alone.


Practical Parenting Tools and Techniques

“My child has real struggles that make every day stress-filled for him/her and for the
whole family.” This day is filled with practical tools and techniques you can use with your
complex child (and your less complex children) today.

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Hi, I’m Ilyssa

And I’m so glad you’re here!


I’m a mom of five, passionate about helping parents connect to their most complex children.

After training as a clinical psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and studying developmental psychology at Stanford University I thought I was super-prepared to be a mommy. But really, my kids taught me more than academia ever could have.


​My personal journey as a parent has given me deep compassion for parents raising difficult kids. I know what it feels like to raise a child that popular parenting books are just not written for.
But I promise you, there are so many tools and so much hope out there.
​That’s why I created this summit.

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I can’t wait for you to immerse yourself in the wisdom, information and tools so you can send your child back to school with confidence and hope.

See you there?

FREE this September 9th - 11th.

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